Sunday, November 13, 2011

stopping to smell the roses...sort of

My sweet, sweet Macy!  She is at the age where she is interested in everything.  She has a huge imagination and keeps us entertained all day.  For the last few weeks at the gym she has taken a special interest in the skeleton in one of the trainer's offices.  She affectionately named him 'Mr. Bones' and she insists that we pay him a visit each day.  One day as we were waving to him, she asked if she could go in and look at him close up.  The trainer gave her the ok, so she marched right in, looked at him for a minute, grabbed his hand, looked at me and said, "Oh, Mommy isn't he bootiful (beautiful)?"  Then, the very next day, she walked right up to Mr. Bones, grabbed both of his hands and said, "Mr. Bones, you are so bootiful.  Would you like to dance with me? "...and they danced. :)

1 comment:

Thad said...

I see she won't be too shy about asking people to dance! Love it!