Sunday, November 13, 2011

A date with Papa!

My parents stayed with the kids for two nights last week, and the kids enjoyed a little spoiling!  Each of them got to go on a date with grandpa-which is a much loved tradition.  One time Brennan told me that Papa loved McDonald's.  When I asked him what made him think that he told me that every time Papa comes to town he just has to go there with Brennan! Hehe.  Well, on this trip Macy got to take her first date with Papa- to Chick-fil-a.  She loved it.  Although, my sneaky little one asked Papa to buy her an ice cream cone - even though she knows she can't eat dairy...luckily Papa didn't get tricked into that one!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

She is so precious! She looks like a mini- Maddie!