Friday, November 28, 2008


Yippee! The holidays are here and it is so much fun. We had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving with Mike's family, and now we are all in the Holiday spirit. Mike is going nuts and I love it! He has already put all the lights on the house, we've got the tree on the car, sugar cookies in the oven and hot chocolate in our bellies. :) (can we keep this up for the next month?) But it is just so much fun...and the kids love it. We went to the Christmas tree farm with some friends today, and we cut down our tree. It is nice to be in one place and imagine how it will be to carry on some of the same traditions year after year. Here are some pictures from the farm. The TREE!!
Madison and Caroline.
The Hay Maze.
Ready to GO!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Macy Grace is 2 months old!

Here is Macy at 2 months! She continues to be a delight and I thank God all the time for blessing us with this little one! She is sleeping through the night most of the time, and just goes with the flow during the day. She is starting to need a bit more structure, which is hard while trying to meet the older kids needs...but I am trying to find the balance.

My baby boy is 3!!!

Well, I am a little slow getting this one out, but Brennan had his third birthday on October 29th. Where does the time go. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. I cherish each stage, but wish I could slow it down a little bit. We had a little family party on his birthday and then he had a couple of friends over on the weekend. I had the most fun making his soccer ball cake, and he loved eating it!!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

All dressed up!

A few days before Halloween we went with a nearby MOPS group to hand out goodies at an assisted living center. The kids were pretty shy, but I am so glad we did it. Our world here can get so sheltered, and it was good to have them a little out of their comfort zone.
The people in our neighborhood really got into the spirit...almost all the houses we went to people were dressed up to hand out candy. It was really fun!

We trick or treated with our neighbors up the street.

Here is my pumpkin, my fire breathing dragon and my daisy....they had a great time and they have already forgotten about the candy - even better!