Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Odds and Ends

The kids were in heaven playing with Clara and Millie this week..but I didn't get any pictures with all four kids :(

We finally moved Brennan into a big boy bed...and

Brennan fell out of his big boy bed.(and rolled all the way across the floor.)

We took the kids to a sibling class at the hospital. They got to see the babies and the rooms where moms stay. They also learned how to hold babies, swaddle them and change diapers. It was a really fun class. The best part was when Mike was helping Brennan change his baby's diaper...they were struggling a bit, and the teacher walked over and announced to the class that the reason they couldn't get the diaper on was because they had it backwards. Just for the record...Mike has probably changed more diapers than I have...maybe he is just a little rusty:).

Attention all grandparents: Brennan needs some boy dress up clothes!

Belly shot at 7 months


I was helping Madison pick up her room the other day and found this picture she had drawn on her mega-sketcher (Danica - do you remember picking up the mega-sketcher for me in Samara - one of the best toys EVER!!!). I asked her what it was and she told me it was a picture of Paul and Silas in jail!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Which one of these things doesn't belong....

When my mom was here she and Brennan had several 'photo shoots'. I was amazed that he really got into it and actually followed her directions and let her photograph him...can you tell which poses were mom's idea and which were Brennan's??? hehe... The other day he was looking in the mirror while we were brushing his teeth and he asked me, "Mommy, am I looking at the mirror or is the mirror looking at me?" :) My little philosopher.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, America

My mom and dad were here for the 4th and we enjoyed the parade in our neighborhood. The kids loved marching around with their flags, but by mid-day the flags had to disappear because they had turned into weapons...sigh...