Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 Months Old

Macy is enjoying her 5th month and we are enjoying her!! She is such an easy going baby...almost to a fault sometimes. She is so content to go along with the flow, I've realized I often neglect to meet her needs for good the only time she is not easy going is on nights when she is over tired. I am trying to find some balance with meeting the 'big kid's' needs and being sensitive to hers - even when she does not demand it. She is rolling over now -and soon to be all over the place (it is bittersweet to say goodbye to the immobile days :) ). She loves her feet, sucking on her lips and tongue (so cute), and she still tries to suck her thumb, but on the rare occasion that she gets it in her mouth she just chews on it. She loves to watch Madison and Brennan and enjoys a good walk in the stroller. She hasn't entered into the world of solid food yet - partly because I don't want to introduce the prep and clean up of that into MY life (gotta be honest), and partly because I am suspicious that she may have dairy issues like Brennan. So, I want to wait as long as possible to introduce foods. Prayerfully, I am wrong about the dairy, but it seems that when I have a lot of dairy in my diet she is more fussy. Here are some of her 5 month shots and a few that mom took of the kids.

This is a little Russian bonnet that I bought for Madison when we lived in Samara. I think it is so cute.
5 months and bright eyed. Some sweet shots my mom took of the kids.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Tripin' Daisies

Madison just started soccer! After a vote, the team decided to call themselves the Tripin' Daisies (there is a set of triplets on her team :) ) and this weekend the Daisies had their first game...against the Sparklez!! It was a big one, and for all of you who could not make it I've got pictures and video(which wouldn't upload - I will try again later)! Madison had the time of her life. It was very entertaining. I think by the end of the game every girl on the team had cried at least once, many had run the wrong way, and one had taken a break from scoring a goal to run over and hug her daddy- classic!

Unfortunately, I forgot to check the weather the morning of the game and a cold front had come in. Needless to say, all the die hard daisy fans were FREEZING.


This story is...true, and it proves that boys are boy...and even though I laughed hard, it is not something I am proud of! :) Last night, my sweet brother in law came over to stay with Madison and Brennan while Mike and I went out for the evening (with Macy). We were all eating dinner together before we left. Madison was having a bit of an attitude problem, so we were focused on her. As we finished getting her to sit up in her chair and act like a lady at the table, we looked over to see Brennan standing up on his chair mooning us! I am not kidding! Oh my goodness, I was shocked. Where did he get that idea? He has never seen that, or been exposed (no pun intended) to that type of behavior. Oh...we have a long way to go in training these little ones. Fortunately, I don't have any pictures to add to this post :).

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Our cuties!

Mrs. Jennifer, I told mommy that this was feeling a little tight and that I thought it was supossed to be pants not capris, but she didn't care...she said it was cute and I would wear it -no fussing! Guess what, I just got a checkup and I am in the 90th percentile for length!!
Enjoying some amazing Persian music.

Madison and Brennan had such a wonderful time with this. It reminds me of the scene in ET when he is hiding in the closet.

My girls favorite pose.